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Easy To Read and Understand


Le FALC makes information simpler and clearer.

The FALC is useful to everyone, especially people with disabilities.

Several themes will be dealt with in FALC for better access to information.

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1.First job:
"I understand my difference"

Since the creation of the association, we have been committed to creating tools to explain the syndrome linked to MYT1L gene to diverse and varied audiences: families, physicians, paramedical and educational professionals..

It seemed essential to address directly to people with MYT1L syndrome.


Most of them were diagnosed late.

Families and patients were able to hear different informations.

It seemed important to put the patient back in the understanding of HIS difficulties compared to HIS difference, and also to see that progress and help are possible.

This tool is also intended to be used by doctors during diagnosis or as support.

And more broadly to be shared with all those who share daily activities with the person carrying MYT1L syndrome.

- Institutional FALC file
"I understand my difference"

To carry out this project, we worked with the DéfiScience and AnDDI-Rares health sectors. Working groups were carried out with health professionals, professionals trained in Easy to Read and Understand (FALC) and association representatives.

This project is part of the citizen and societal approach to put the person in a situation of disability, and in particular with a disorder of neurodevelopment, at the center of his life course, by promoting his self-determination as much as possible.

The FALC sheet "I understand my difference" is several pages long, don't panic!

We have heterogeneous profiles, we have tried to be as exhaustive as possible.

We would like to thank the families who have tested this sheet to improve and validate it.


The sheet is in 3 parts:

  1. Explanation from the genetic point of view

  2. Focus on what is difficult for the person

  3. Examples of help to support progress

The reading can be assisted and carried out in several times.

In part 2 (point on what is difficult)  there are small circles in front of the sentences. Check what concerns the person.

You can also color in to graduate the difficulties: “I can do it” / “it's a bit difficult” / “it's very difficult”.

This sheet can be dated and can be repeated at significant intervals to see the progress made.

Click on the image to get and download the file.

Even if the picture is in french, the FILE IS IN ENGLISH.

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- FALC editable sheet
"I understand my difference"

  • We provide you with a version "  EDITABLE SHEET ".

For example, you can:

    - sort the information to adapt to your situation for parts 2 and 3,

      by choosing the impediments, the support in material and people...

    - color the descriptive sentences if necessary for you...

The elements are in spreadsheet, just select a line to delete it or change the coloring.

We ask you not to modify the footers which refer to the institutional file, as well as the descriptive elements of the FALC at the bottom of the last page.

Click on the image to get the document.Even if the picture is in french, the FILE IS IN ENGLISH.


  • IN PROGRESS : a GAME adaptation is in progress to manipulate information and interact more easily with people with the MYT1L syndrome . We are continuing working groups on the subject in 2023.

       A little more patience ;-)


We remain at your disposal for any information at the following email

Editable sheet
  sample selection
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FALC Transition sheet
adapted for MYT1L
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"I understand my transition

from paediatric care to adult care:

this is the transition in hospital".
FALC sheet adapted from MYT1L

The work on FALC (Facile à Lire et à Comprendre - easy to read and understand) has been carried on, with the inter-sector working group led by AnDDI-Rares / DéfiScience, on the Transition in hospital from paediatrics to adult services.

Click on the image to download the fact sheet (french)

The association Les Extra-Vaillants MYT1L has adapted the FALC document, illustrated below, for people with a neurodevelopmental disorder linked to the MYT1L gene.

The FALC reference document produced by the inter-filières working group is available on the respective websites of the AnDDi-Rares and DéfiScience Filières.
This working group brought together professionals and associations, including Les Extra-Vaillants MYT1L.

As a reminder, a summary document outlining the Transition support measures in place by June 2023 is available by clicking on the underlined words.
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